Week of January 5, 2023 

After sev­er­al years of imple­ment­ing this project in drought, the Sut­ter Bypass was cur­rent­ly inun­dat­ed with flood­wa­ters in late-Decem­ber 2022 into ear­ly-Jan­u­ary 2022.  The UC Davis (UCD) sci­ence team was ful­ly pre­pared to begin sam­pling for recruit­ment of nat­ur­al occur­ring fish­es (wild or hatch­ery-ori­gin) and mon­i­tor­ing water qual­i­ty con­sis­tent State and Fed­er­al agree­ments to oper­ate the project.  Autonomous dis­solved oxy­gen and tem­per­a­ture log­gers were pre­vi­ous deployed in our study field and will be down­loaded dai­ly once the fields are acces­si­ble.  Before flood­ing, we suc­cess­ful­ly deployed two lines of acoustic receivers before the bypass flood­ed to mon­i­tor fish fit­ted with Juve­nile Salmon Acoustic Teleme­try Sys­tem (JSATS) tags when they enter the part of the Sut­ter Bypass we are study­ing to bet­ter under­stand how salmon are using the broad­er Sut­ter Bypass rice­lands areas.  These lines have the capac­i­ty for detect­ing fish tagged by oth­er groups using JSATS that may route through the Sut­ter Bypass. 

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