Week of January 16, 2023 

No sig­nif­i­cant change in field con­di­tions from the pre­vi­ous week in that the Sut­ter Bypass remained inun­dat­ed with flood­wa­ters.  The UCD team remained ready to begin sam­pling for recruit­ment of nat­ur­al occur­ring fish­es (wild or hatch­ery-ori­gin) just as soon as they could regain access.  The Team con­tin­ued work with the two groups of hatch­ery-ori­gin fish being reared at the UCD lab.  These were a small group of 200 late-fall run year­lings and a group of 15,000 fall-run raised from eggs.  The late-fall year­ling Chi­nook salmon were tagged with PIT and JSATS tags. Fall-run Chi­nook would be ready for deploy­ment onto the rice fields by ear­ly-Feb­ru­ary.

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